Federation Handicap International

Federation Handicap International works in around 60 countries in emergency, reconstruction, chronic crisis and development contexts. Since 1982, the association has been working alongside vulnerable populations and in particular persons with disability. 

In the early 1980s, Handicap International's first activities in Pakistan focused on support for Afghan refugees and this work continued up until the end of the 1990s. Following a series of natural disasters, the organization returned to Pakistan to support vulnerable people caught up in several humanitarian crises.

Federation Handicap International intends to set up services agreement for one year for HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE for HI Staff for the year 2025

You are requested to follow the instructions in the attached RFP and submit your quotation as per requirements.

Last Date of submission of Sealed Quotations is 18th December 2024 by 5pm.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Please follow the instructions in our RFP.

Please find details in the attached file.


Apply By:

Sealed Quotation to be forwarded at :

Logistics/Procurement Department

Federation Handicap International- Pakistan

House No. 459, Main Service Road East

E-11/3, Islamabad

